LOA Exercises by Emotion

If you’re familiar with the emotional ladder, you know the goal is to move yourself from one emotional rung to the next until you reach that place where you’re feeling really amazing.

But how do you move yourself from one rung to the next? How do you deliberately alter your own emotions when we have been taught all our lives that we have no control of them?

Here I have a list of techniques that you can use to move yourself to a better feeling emotion. Remember as you’re using techniques that you have to find what works for you and what moves you emotionally. If it doesn’t work for you, throw it out! I’ve also linked instructions for each technique. Enjoy!

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LOA Pro Tip: Practice the Feeling


If the key to manifesting your desire is literally feeling it into being, then your job is to take time out of each day to practice the feeling of what you want.

But first things first, check your rearview and side mirror: Have you identified what you want, as a feeling? Have you released any immediate resistance or beliefs that don’t align with what you want to manifest?

Awesome! Now comes the fun part:

As often as possible, practice putting yourself in a place where you are FEELING the reality of your desire. Whether you’re visualizing or daydreaming or writing – whatever technique works for you – you should be enjoying, relishing and celebrating that what you want has already happened. 

I hope this helps you on your journey! For some of my favorite techniques, check out Daily LOA. Feel free to add any questions or comments and for more LOA goodness, visit us on Tumblr!

-Zen Kate

LOA Pro Tip: The Happy Button

It’s easy to overthink the law of attraction. With all the different techniques and teachers and advice, it can seem like a never-ending process. But if there is one thing you take away from all of this, it should be that you have complete control over the way you feel. 

You have a “happy button” that you can press whenever you want. Just think about being happy, imagine being happy and you’re there! This is all it takes to get everything you want – decide you’re going to be happy. Insist upon it and watch how the universe delivers to you things you want before you even know you want them.

It really is that simple because the universe can only reflect back to you what you’re radiating. As you radiate love and ease, the universe delivers to you forms of love (i.e. what you desire, what feels good to you, etc.) in an easy way! And vice verse, the harder you are on yourself about doing this work, the more the universe will demonstrate how hard it is. So even the process itself is within your control.

So what’re you waiting for? Smile for no reason. Press the happy button!

LOA Success Story: The Contest Queen

Since reading a book that taught Helene Hadsell to “know what you want and see yourself as already having it”, she has won seven trips to Europe, a house and several cars. She talks about how to manifest physical things by using a formula called SPEC: Select it, Project it, Expect it, Collect it. Amazing story, hope you enjoy!!

Money Challenge #3: Building Momentum

Hey fellow manifesters!! This week we’re going to focus on five techniques I’ve found extremely effective as I align with the vibration of riches. Now that you’ve started dreaming big and you’ve released all those crappy beliefs, you’re ready to build momentum and get excited for your riches!!

Your challenge this week is to imagine that you are rich: you’ve won the lottery, you’ve inherited millions from an unknown relative, you’ve suddenly discovered you have a trust fund, a rich stranger has decided to pay your way in life, or maybe you’ve won a contest! The only thing is, it won’t be here for 30 days. Read on for five ways to get excited and start figuring out what you’re gonna do with all this cash!

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Daily LOA 101

In yesterday’s post, we talked about how practicing feeling better every day is a vital part of stabilizing your vibration. So today, I wanted to share the practice that I use every day. You can use whatever techniques feel good to you – there is no right way to do this work. What matters is that you are committed to feeling good.


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Stabilizing Your Vibration 101

As we begin to shed old beliefs and deliberately train our energies, it can feel like an emotional rollercoaster. You might be flying high in the morning but feel like shit before lunch. This is normal, even for those who have been practicing the law of attraction for years. Contrast is normal and necessary; the trick is to not only learn how to get back into the vortex quickly, but how to stay in it for longer. Here are seven ways you can stabilize your vibration and keep your balance:

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